Player's Academy of Soccer Skills - A Team of Teams

At PASS we not only create soccer players, but mentor growth in all aspects of life and athletics. Our staff have trained and been a factor in the placemnts of select personnel into:  

MLS, NFL, NBA, MLB, Navy SEALS, West Point, Annapolis and AirForce Acadamies

PASS and its coaching staff specialize in educating players. Through our proven methodologie of Train iT Test iT Trust iT. PASS has the ability to teach players and teams through all stages of development  in the technical, tactical, physical, psychological and emotional aspects of modern soccer.

Through our PASS Acadamies we focus on all facets of your player's Technical Development: Left foot, right foot, left brain, right brain, left eye, right eye. Through 'Deliberate' high intensity small activities, we create a positive environment of success unsurpassed by any other system. 

Utilizing leadership and experience we can advise in creating  your clubs education plan. Let us be your Director of Education!  We offer many special topics clinics ranging from:
Planning to Principals of Attack and Defense. We will design them specially for your club or organization. What better way to motivate your coaches? 

We take our training off the field too. Our new plyometric, speed, quickness and agility sessions help build strength, endurance, balance, co ordination and mental toughness.



Our HOW is your WHY. With over 100 years of combined coaching knowledge and leadership our professional staff bring a mass of knowledge and experience to the field.

Since it establishment in 1999 the PASS Academy has created its own proven philosophy and curriculum. 

It is our aim to grow your player from great to gold! 

Through specifically designed high intensity 1v1s & 3v3 games, or combinations thereof, delivered in a progressive fast paced transitional context.

We look to focus on each and every player as our priority when they are on or supporting the movement of the ball.

We strive to create a positive environment of learning, through the game and gaining lessons for life, 

Culminating by understanding the inner focus of the PASS player and not just the outer smile, we stimulate advancement in a player's competitive edge, taking the ability to win through personal success.


The reason 'WHY' is because others don't!

We are a Team of Teams. We inspire soccer players to play with creativity in an environment of confidence. Through a comprehensive , systematic and progressive model ; Your Players TRAINING ENVIRONMENT will be be the most influential catalyst available to improve your players technical development. Through our proven deliberate philosophy and curriculum we create an environment where the player is responsible for their own effort. We create a highly competitive , physical and cognitive atmosphere, breeding effort and smiles of success.

PASS offers the only Independent Soccer Academy in Texas where your player can be coached by award winning coaches in the practical and academic application of soccer.

All PASS Coaches enter the field with a wealth of experience, knowledge quantified through the NSCAA, USSF, Coerver Coaching and the English FA. 
Because we do not run league teams, we pride ourselves there is no recruitment, just improvement! The only agenda we have is the advancement of your individual player.

Our training is carried out in 3 week blocks called 'Pyramids' concentrating through the Philosophy of the PASS Pyramid of Player Development. Once registered you can pick and choose pyramids